Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Meadowbathers and Seagulls Now on Bandcamp

Stream away.

Or if you're feeling generous, purchase a download.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Sufferers Digital Versions

The extended version of Sufferers is available as a digital download from the likes of iTunes, Amazon, and Boomkat.

In addition to extended play time - from which Axle Grease particularly benefits - these versions did not need to be mastered to vinyl specs and feature a little more punch at the extreme ends of the frequency spectrum.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Open b/w Enemy [ESDS]

The second in the Editions Shiflet Digital Singles series, Open b/w Enemy presents two excerpts from live shows in September. It's debut was slightly delayed because of the Sufferers release a few weeks ago, but it has now fully ripened and is ready to be savored.

Download (ZIP file, 17.7MB)

(ESDS #1 can be found here if you missed it this summer or are new to the blog.)