Saturday, January 19, 2013

Antrim (Guitar Rehearsal)

Prepping for a show, dusting off a gem.

If you're in Columbus, come here it sound infinitely more massive Tuesday, the 29th, at Ace of Cups.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Upcoming Columbus Shows

Friday, January 11
C. Lavender
Mike Shiflet
Ryan Jewell

It Looks Like It's Open
13 East Tulane
Facebook event

Tuesday, January 29
Mike Shiflet

Ace of Cups
2619 N. High St.
Facebook Event

These are going to be two very different experiences (gallery/improv vs. bar/metal) and I'm really excited for both. Swing by if you're local.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Skylab, 12.28.12 Excerpt

Dedicated to Robert Beveridge and Jason Zeh.